Hi Everyone—I’m about to embark on a ride from the Canadian Rockies to the border of Mexico. The route is called the Great Divide Mountain Bike Ride and it passes through two Canadian provinces and five western states and stays within about 40 miles of the Continental Divide. Pedaling for approximately 3,000 miles, I hope to accomplish the ride in 60 days, August to October. I have been dreaming about this ride for about 15 years—thought I better just go ahead and do it!
I’d like to invite any and all to accompany me on the adventure through this blog. You can bookmark this page and check in now and then via this link: https://timsgreatdivideride.blogspot.com. I probably won't be able to post every day but hope to be able to share the experience with you in words and pictures.
I’d also like to invite you to support my fundraising efforts. It’s symbolic that I’m "tackling the great divide" in support of Apprentice Learning (AL), an organization that addresses the very real divide for youth who live within sight of the Boston skyline but may never have access to employment opportunities in those work spaces without some bridge building. Find out more here.
As I prepare to start riding in August, I'll share a few posts about that preparation. For instance: what do you pack for a 3,000 mile bike ride (and not pack too much)? I'm still figuring that one out. Here's my bike half-loaded up for a training ride this past weekend in the lovely Blue Hills:
You never cease to amaze me, my friend