Friday, August 26, 2022

Rain and HAIL

Day 24—Thursday, Aug 25—Helena to Basin, MT

42 miles

Quaking Aspen

Two long climbs today; even with the rest day, these climbs are challenging! Molly's cookies got me up at least a couple hills!

Typical view from the road

View of Park Lake;  my starting point in Helena way beyond and below

Fire area seemed like a graveyard with bleached bones (branches) laying around.

Good water source

Got caught in a rain and hail storm. M&M sized hailstones; wonderful to be a bystander during the storm. The hailstones came in at all angles, possibly because they were all different shapes. I threaded between two thunderstorms all afternoon.

Descent brought me to Basin, a small unincorporated town with a bar, a community center, a post office a few other buildings.  People are very friendly.

Met up with fellow cyclists Elena and Pedro from Spain, and Louis from Australia.  For $5 Great Divide riders are able to sleep in the community building which has a bathroom and a kitchen. It rained last night in Helena so my tent is wet. It’s also raining tonight, so good to be indoors.

Basin Community Hall exterior (above) and interior (below)

Basin cohort: Pedro and Elena from Spain, Louis from Australia, Tim from MA

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