Monday, August 8, 2022


Day 4Friday, August 5Rampart Creek to Mosquito Creek

41 miles; mid-40°s F when we left, intermittent sun, clouds, and rain

Rampart Creek Hostel

Long climb up to Peyto Lake:


Peyto Lake in the rain

We finally crested a high point and started making our way down past emerald green Bow Lake.

Bow Lake

Eventually made our way to Mosquito Creek, where Mark used his affable charm to squeeze us in at the hostel. We heard the temp was getting down to 0° C so we opted for Mosquito Creek Hostel.  These hostels are interesting as most of the users are not Americans!  We met folks from Italy, Germany, Spain, England, France, Israel, and lots of provinces from Canada. Lots of interesting short conversations! Highly recommended these hostels thru Hostel International (HI).  Comfortable and hospitable.  Rampart even had a sauna and a fire pit.

Mark at Mosquito Creek

Of note, the morning we left Rampart Creek, Mark walked out of the loo (pit toilet) and a massive black bear stood between him and his destiny.  They sized each other up and when he saw Mark's skin and bones after biking for three days, decided he could get more nutrition out of buffaloberries and blueberries.  

(Of course I could not confirm this story and this “bear” was only visible to Mark.)  Perhaps bears have pity on bikers, who knows? (Hope so as we head toward a section called Grizzly Highway.)

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