Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 Day 7Monday, August 8Banff, Alberta

0 miles: rest and resupply day; 75-80°F degrees

Banff Ave., main street, pedestrian access

Mark treated me to a gondola ride up Sulpher Mountain where we could see all around. This is looking north back to the valley through which we traveled. TransCanada highway to the left; Bow River; Bow Valley Parkway to the right. Mark is flying back to Boston tomorrow.

Looking south from Sulpher Mountain: this is the valley Noreen and I will pass through next 

Banff below; Bow River; Lake Minniwanka beyond.  These mountains appear to be enormous but rarely approach 10,000 feet

Classic Fairmount Hotel in Banff

Faceplate to statue of Sir Cornelius Horne. (Mark and I thought it was Lenin at first.) “Since we cannot export the scenery, we shall have to import the tourists.”  Self-fulfilling prophecy, I’d call it.

Our ride tomorrow will begin just at the farthest reaches of the Fairmount Hotel's last parking lot…seems fitting somehow!


  1. Hello Tim and family. We're Marta and Pablo who meet you at HI Beauty Creek. We are happy to see how it's going your adventure.
    We expect you to keep on enjoying your riding and hope we can ride together in the future.
    Please, let Mark knows that we still have photos to exchange. If he has problems with our telephone number tell him to change the spanish prefix 0034 to +34 as it works better with many applications.
