Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 Flowers along the trail, Wyoming to New Mexico.

Lupine (in September!)

Russian Thistles

Tribe Asterae

Hoary Tansyaster

Prickly Pear

Gardner’s Saltbush and Golden Bushes (Genus Ericameria)

Saltlover and Russian Thistle

Rocky Mountain penstemon and prairie sunflower

Greasewood and Scarlet Gilia

Field penny-cress and shrubby cinquefoil 


New England aster and cinquefoil

Beardtongue and milkvetch

Club Cholla


Fetid goosefoot

(For more flowers along the way, see: flowers of Alberta)

Note: I am so grateful to have raised 88% of my goal for Apprentice Learning, a fantastic educational organization serving Boston middle school students. Many thanks to all who have donated, and thanks to anyone who would still like to donate directly to the organization: https://apprenticelearning.org/donate/

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