Sunday, October 2, 2022

GDMBR By the Numbers

1                Great Divide Mountain Bike Ride

                  Day: time it takes on a bike that takes a car 45 minutes at 65 mph

2                Canadian Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia 

 Wheels  (29” x 2.6” wide tires) 

 Days lost to rain (no travel)   

3                Countries on the GDMBR: Canada, U.S., Mexico

                  Number of hailstorms 

3.5             Liters of water carried on a regular basis                

5                States to pass thru: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico

                  Days, no travel

                  Travel companions more than one week: TJ, Eric, Andy, Noreen, Mark

6                Total days of rain        

7                October, Erickson and Katie’s wedding

8                Weeks, start to finish     

10              Teeth, on the smallest gear on the rear wheel

12              Gears on rear wheel cluster; good for climbing

13              Weeks, leave of absence 

15              Years, time that Tim has been thinking about this ride

22              Pounds lost

27              Years, Tim’s age the last time he did something like this

30              September: ended trip

32              Crossings of the Continental Divide

37              Years since the last bike ride of any distance

40              Pounds per square inch, pressure in tires

60              Days, start to finish

64              Years, Tim’s biological age  (27 years; how old he felt at the end of the trip) 

70              Pounds, approximate weight of bike (loaded)

173            Pound, approximate ending weight

188            Miles, first leg of trip from Jasper to Banff, AB

195            Pounds; approximate starting weight of ride

1985          Year, last time Tim rode cross country

2,615         Miles ridden on 60 day period (385 miles saved for another day!)

3,000         Miles to ride on GDMBR

3,478         Feet:  elevation of GDMBR starting point: Jasper, AB

4,665         Feet:  elevation of GDMBR ending point: Antelope Wells, Mex

5,000         Calories, average burned per day

11,913       Feet; highest point on the GDMBR

152,243     Feet; accumulated vertical gain (29 miles! Five Mt Everests)  

******Stay tuned—a few post-trip blog posts are still to come!******


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