Monday, July 25, 2022



My other cross-country bike experience was in a previous life when I was 27 and moving back to my native New England after 13 years on the west coast. The idea of a cross-country bike ride was something that had captivated my imagination since I was a kid. 

I made the decision in December 1984, went on a couple of 50 mile training rides, sewed my own panniers (saddle bags), threw together some clothes and a tent, fixed up my 10-year old ten-speed, and set off from San Diego in March 1985. The photo above is with my mom Audrey, all loaded up on the first day of that trip (note those panniers!). 

The trip was as amazing as I hoped it would be. By the Numbers: 4200 miles, 80-days, 7 flat tires; new rear rim; expenses: $748.93, or $9.36/day.

 I didn’t think it would take 37 years to get back on the cross-country kick, but here we are.

Training ride this week. Not quite fully loaded yet!

More 1985 bike ride photos here.

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