Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Expect BUMPS

Day 1Tuesday, August 2, continuedJasper to Honeymoon Lake

30 miles

Starting out!

We headed out of Jasper about 11:30 am and Mark hit a speed bump in town which dislodged his panniers and broke or bent about 7 spokes. Good news: we were a block from the bike store and they were able to fix it. In the meantime, we were befriended by some old-timers who filled us in on the colloquial history of the town.  


We headed out again about 2:30 pm and made it to Honeymoon Lake:  a 30 mile climb that we made more difficult by taking the road less traveled (but really spectacular).  

Athabasca River

Athabasca Falls (downstream)

Noreen and Mark are strong bikers and usually left me in their dust!  Bike is heavy and I think I’ll be shipping some stuff back to Boston…but not much…have to be prepared for lots of variable weather:  light rain last night and forecasted for today. It will be in the 30s on Friday. Brrr for August!


Every turn is a new view

Noreen grinding out the last grade before Honeymoon Lake

Unsure of the food situation coming up along the Icefields Parkway. We are carrying about 35 lbs. of food which we intend to polish off. We had gnocchi, onions, red pepper and broccoli with herbs de Provence last night.


Coordinating our various styles as middle-aged folks and learning how to travel together!  


Honeymoon Lake is gorgeous and home to a loon so we’re also feeling at home here.

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