Thursday, August 18, 2022

Vernacular BEAUTY

Day 15—Tuesday, August 16Eureka to Wurtz Cabin

47 miles; hot

We left Eureka around 8:30 a.m. after being fed eggs and waffles by our wonderful hosts in Eureka. 18 mile climb of about 2800 feet so Andy and I were pretty pooped, especially since the roads degenerated to rocky bumpy tracks: very difficult to climb. Caught our first glimpse of the mountains of Glacier National Park.  Lots of expensive properties intermingled with national forest.

Landscape changed from mile to mile;  fewer dramatic views than Canada but an intense “vernacular beauty “ as I think of it:  beauty in its own right even if never is photographed for a tour brochure.

Andy demonstrating water filtering:  the way we get most of our potable water. 
River provided a great swim after a hot dusty day!

Sun is intense but the shade of the forest saved us on a number of occasions. 
Camped in the national forest tonight by a lovely river.  Went for a swim at the end of the rideso refreshing!  We are near the Wurtz Cabin in view of Glacier National Park.  

Hanging our food in dispersed camping areas.

New friend Phil Boyle on his way back to Wisconsin from CA: he made a delish curry chicken dish for Andy and me.  Epic beard and good guy!

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