Thursday, September 1, 2022

Throwback Thursday: TIMBO Arkansas

1985 cross-country bike ride from San Diego to Boston

TBT posts were drafted prior to departure  

May, 1985: Very hilly in northern Arkansas among the Ozarks and quite beautiful.

We were photographed for a local newspaper in Mountain View; got chased by mean curs; heard comments about "them skinny wheels" on our bikes. 

And  we learned the origins of the town named "Oil Trough":  "Years ago there were many black bar (bear) in them hills yonder and the town folk would hunt them and render their fat for oil. There were so many bars that they had to build a trough to carry the oil from the mountains to the town." 

Yes, it is hard to believe, but we liked the story.

More 1985 bike ride photos here.

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